Differences in the helmchart from version 4.3 to 5.x when upgrading

Lenses has been restating after updating from version 4.3 to 5.2 using the helm chart. What points do I need to pay attention?

It is necessary to use Helm Chart version 5.x instead of version 4.3.x. In version 5, keys such as “lenses.kafka.connect.clusters”, “lenses.zookeeper.hosts”, “lenses.schema.registry.urls”, and “lenses.kafka.broker” are no longer utilized within the Helm Chart. Instead, these settings are now passed through the API via the UI or CLI(lenses-cli). You can examine the Helm Chart of the latest version and compare it, but I recommend referring to the documentation: https://docs.lenses.io/5.0/upgrade-notes , which contains extensive details about the update. These changes apply to any version 5.x of Lenses.