Lenses 6 Community - How do you stop the demo data generators?

Using the docker containers for the lenses 6 demo, it seems to still be creating messages for teh demo content.

How do I stop this from happening, and restarting it when I would like. I cannot find a generator anywhere, but could be looking in the wrong place.

There is definately nothing I notice in Topology…

Hello Tim, the generators are running inside the Kafka container.

There are a few ways to disable them. The easiest way to permanently disable them is to set the environment variable below for the kafka container. Note that you cannot start them with this setting at all. They just will not be there.


If you want to stop (and restart) them while running, the easiest way is to execute supervisorctl in the kafka pod:

$ docker exec -it lenses-6-preview-demo-kafka-1 supervisorctl
broker                                RUNNING   pid 184, uptime 0:08:28
caddy                                 RUNNING   pid 185, uptime 0:08:28
connect-distributed                   RUNNING   pid 186, uptime 0:08:28
logs-to-kafka                         EXITED    Feb 06 10:18 AM
rest-proxy                            RUNNING   pid 194, uptime 0:08:28
running-sample-data-ais               RUNNING   pid 199, uptime 0:08:28
running-sample-data-backblaze-smart   RUNNING   pid 203, uptime 0:08:28
running-sample-data-taxis             RUNNING   pid 206, uptime 0:08:28
running-sample-data-telecom-italia    RUNNING   pid 207, uptime 0:08:28
schema-registry                       RUNNING   pid 209, uptime 0:08:28
smoke-tests                           EXITED    Feb 06 10:21 AM
zookeeper                             RUNNING   pid 213, uptime 0:08:28
supervisor> stop running-sample-data-ais
running-sample-data-ais: stopped
supervisor> start running-sample-data-ais
running-sample-data-ais: started

If you don’t like the command line, supervisor can optionally expose a web interface by setting the variable below. Remember also to expose the port. :slight_smile:


If you want to skip the testing topics from Coyote, set this variable:


Many thanks… I used the web port, which also needs SUPERVISORWEB=1 too.