"Topic cannot be found" error when creating SQL Processor

Trying to create a SQL Processor

SET defaults.topic.autocreate=true;
– When automatically creating topic(s) set non-default values

INSERT INTO orders_failed
SELECT STREAM * FROM airline-payments
WHERE paymentStatus = "Failed";

INSERT INTO orders_ok
SELECT STREAM * FROM airline-payments
WHERE paymentStatus != "Failed"

Getting the error that "SQL is invalid" and the topic cannot be found:

The topic airline-payments can't be found in Kafka.
Please make sure that:
  - airline-payments is a valid topic
  - airline-payments has a registered Lenses Schema or Schema Registry schema (if AVRO)
  - the current user has permissions to access this topic.

Yet this topic does exist, it has JSON serialization and I can browse the events in the Explore page.

What’s the issue?

Hello there!

One scenario where this happens is when your records do not have a key but you have set a key type for the topic.

As an example, the topic in my screenshot does not have records with keys, there are only values.

If the key type for this topic was set to anything but BYTES, then I would get the same error as you when trying to use it in SQL Processors.

So the solution is to go to the topic page, hit Actions →Change Types and set the key type to BYTES.


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