Lenses-cli export - Kafka Connectors YAML output location

Have a question about Lenses-cli Export.
[lenses-cli 5.0.1

revision e9717e0f19b6f60bea191811e91584eeb512fc70
datetime Thu May 12 08:34:48 UTC 2022
go go1.17.10]

using lenses-cli export connections --dir my-dir

Where are the output results for the connection.yamls?

When do a full export, of all the component types (apps, topics, schemas,…), the output directories/contents are:

       sql/all my sql processor yamls           
      all my connector yamls     
     quotas - quotas.yaml
     topics - all my topic yamls 
     all my schema yamls.

Where are my connection yamls?


Hello, I just gave the command a shot to see if everything works as expected:
$ lenses-cli export connections --dir my-dir gives for me:


Do I understand you correct that nothing like this is appearing for you?

Thanks for the response.

Mixed up my connections with my connectors.

Connections are showing up in correct directory per documentation (./connections/*).

Actually looking for the lenses-cli export connector export results under ./apps/connectors/ but not getting any results there.

Ah, connectors, connections, I get the confusion. On my side the connectors didn’t show up either, so there is something odd going on here. I’ll investigate and get back to you.

Found the possible answer! There was a bug in this code, which has been fixed in June of last year. Looks like your version is from a few weeks before that. Could you try to get the latest build from here and give it another shot?

WIll do and get back to you.