Local Setup with Version 5.5

We are running a 5.5 Lenses in production and we need a compatible local setup. Since the lensesio/box got removed we are only left with the version 6 setup which is incompatible and also doesnt have an api spec available. Our Java connectors get generated by the swagger api spec and with the 5.5 spec the connection to the version 6 setup doesnt work.

Is there any workaround for that?

Hi Hiimnick,

Lenses box 5.5 is still available (https://hub.docker.com/r/lensesio/box/tags).

Can you please share a bit more details on your Java connectors ? Are these apps which work with Lenses API?


Hello Hiimnick, welcome to Ask Marios!

The new community edition of Lenses 6 does not require a license, so we removed the box license page from our website.

If you still need a 5.5 Box license, please open a support ticket or contact your account manager and we will provide one.

Going to the API of Lenses 6, you might have noticed that six comes with two components: HQ and Agent.
The Agent is essentially the old Lenses, minus the permissions and user management. Almost every other API endpoint is still there, but the agents are now behind HQ, so you need to reach the agent (environment) via HQ.

So in order to use the same functionality in the community edition, you would use a service account, then perform a request like this:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [service account key]" -XPOST ... http://localhost:9991/api/v1/environments/demo/proxy/api/v1/... 

In the URL, the demo part is the environment name, and after proxy/ you would use the same API endpoint you used in Lenses 5.5.
So let’s take this Box API endpoint:


In the community edition it would become:


A little challenge for now is creating the service account. First, you need to create a role and assign permissions to it. Then, create a group and attach the role. Last, create a service account and add it to the group.