Grafana doesn’t display the metrics from Lenses

I configured the export of Lenses metrics, but they are not showing up in Grafana. What steps do I need to take to check this issue?

Hello Edward_k,

The first to do is to check if the monitoring and exporting of Lenses metrics are correctly configured following the documentation: Expose Lenses metrics | Documentation. Lenses exports two kinds of metrics and with one is on in different ports, one of the metrics is about consumer lags, and the other is for exporting Lenses application metrics. When troubleshooting an issue in Prometheus/Grafana related to the metrics exported by Lenses, you can follow specific steps:

  • Access your host or k8s services, and check the two exports of the metrics. You need to access them to verify if they are exporting correctly
  • Access the Prometheus host and go to the “/targets” tab. If there are no error messages, the Prometheus configuration is correct.
  • Access Grafana and check if one of its data sources is the Prometheus from Lenses. Then entry querying one of the Lenses metrics as a parameter. If it appears, everything is okay.
  • In the dashboard you are creating, check if the data source is pointing to the Prometheus from Lenses.